book series

Review: Morning Star by Pierce Brown

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Morning Star

I have anxiously been awaiting this book—this finale—for a year. I finally got to it recently, and I have so many emotions. There’s surprise, excitement, frustration, etc. I’m worried that this review will slight towards my frustrations more than my love for this book and the trilogy as a whole. After all, it is easier to write about negatives than positives. This review will have no spoilers. Read the rest of this entry »

Top 5 Wednesday on a Saturday: Favorite Things About Blogging

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Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created be gingerreadslainey on YouTube. The Goodreads group page can be found here.

I’m a little late once again, and I’m sorry about that. College is insane. Today, I will be talking about my favorite things about blogging, and I love it. I truly do.

1. Talking to People About Books

This is kind of cliché answer, but it the best thing about blogging. The comment section is just phenomenal. It doesn’t matter if it is in my comment section or on another person’s blog. I love having conversations with people whether they disagree with my opinion on a book or not. It’s always fun to see where other people stand in regards to a book or book series.

2. Discovering New Books

I love this about blogging. There are so many books that I get introduced to because of it. I’m excited for these releases that I haven’t heard of before. It’s special to be able to promote a book that not a lot of people have heard of, and who knows? Maybe I’ll find some gems. Read the rest of this entry »

Top 5 Wednesday: Book Series I Wish Had LESS Books

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Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created be gingerreadslainey on YouTube. The Goodreads group page can be found here.

This week, I’m changing the topic a little bit. Instead of writing a list of series that I think deserves more books, this list is going to be comprised of series that should have had less books. I’m changing the topic here on my blog today because I cannot think of one book series that needs more books. Even though I love Harry Potter, I wouldn’t want there to be additional books in the series because the series is over. Once it is done, it should stay done. That’s just my own opinion.

My list will have some very popular book series, and if they are your favorites, I’m sorry. They just didn’t sit with me as well as they sat with you. Without further ado, let’s get on to the list!

1.House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast – 12 books


This book series is now complete (I think?) at 12 books. This doesn’t count the novellas that also accompany the series. I have three left to read, and honestly, I don’t know when I will—if I ever—finish the series. In the beginning of this series, I really enjoyed the books. I thought they were funny and a new take on vampires, but now? Now, they are just dragging on and on. To be honest, I don’t know if I’m interested anymore.

2. Maximum Ride series by James Patterson – 9 books

Max Ride The Angel Experiment

I have read all of these, so I suppose that makes me a credible source when it comes to this series. As far as I can remember, the first three books are very good. After that, they kind of go downhill… hard. The inconsistencies in this series are really why this should have been cut down. Don’t get me wrong: I love the characters and everything, but it was hard to watch a series I loved so much (and grew up with) change so much. Read the rest of this entry »

Top 5 Wednesday on a Sunday: Tropes I Hate

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Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created be gingerreadslainey on YouTube. The Goodreads group page can be found here.

Side note: If you have been wondering where I have been, college is upon me. I have been busy packing, spending time with family and friends, and driving across the country to my school. (That’s why this post is late.) This transition is probably going to last for the next week or so. As such, I may or may not be very active here on my blog. I apologize, but I promise to be back as soon as I’ve adjusted back into the swing of things.

I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am for this topic. I have been waiting for this ever since it was announced at the end of July. For the most part, I hate tropes. They are cliché themes and details used in multiple books, and to be honest, they get old. They get old quite quickly. If you missed my post about my Favorite Character Tropes, you can find that here. Anyway, let’s get on to the list!

Please note that just because a book appears as an example of a specific trope doesn’t mean that I hated the book.

1. One Girl Against the Government

The Hunger Games  Divergent

This trope has been prominent in the Young Adult (YA) genre as of late. There are many books that portray this. To my knowledge, the first was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins followed by Divergent by Veronica Roth and so on. I know that these books are meant to empower young girls, and while I think that’s great, in my opinion, there should be a greater focus on teamwork. Life doesn’t always magically work out so that one person changes the world. I adored these two books when I read them, but I get the feeling that if I read them again, I wouldn’t enjoy them nearly as much.

2. Love Triangles


I know that some people enjoy these when they are done well, but I don’t know what that means. I have never read a book where a love triangle is done well. To me, they are completely unnecessary and unbelievable. In real life, these things don’t happen. It causes ridiculous drama, and it feels like the author is just writing it to fill space up in the book. Additionally, in most cases, I can guess who the girl will end up with at the end. If it is that obvious to me, shouldn’t it be obvious to the main character too? The most well-known example of this is Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Read the rest of this entry »

August 2015 Unhaul

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This is my very first unhaul on this blog. An unhaul consists of books that I’m getting rid of; although, in this case, all of the books listed below are no longer in my possession. A few days ago, I went to my local, independent bookstore that buys used books for store credit, and they bought these books from me. Just fair notice: there might be a part two to this eventually, for I still have books that I’d like to get rid of.

First, I’d like to say that I’m not trying to be intentionally rude about any books that you may or may not like. This is just my personal opinion.

A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas

A Wicked Thing

This book came out in February of this year, and I read it in April. It’s a Sleeping Beauty retelling, and it fell incredibly flat for me. Perhaps, it is because I had such high expectations, but I was disappointed in almost every single facet of this novel. I didn’t care for the characters because there was little to no development, and I disliked the turn of the plot near the end of the novel. In short, I have no desire to continue reading this series, so I decided to get the book off my shelves.

Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi

Ship Breaker

I can’t say anything really negative about this book because I never finished it. I had tried numerous times to finish the book, and eventually, I lost interest. Read the rest of this entry »